EDA PROJECT: What kind of paid application should a developer develop for the App Store?

Aybüke Meydan
4 min readJun 13, 2020


In data science projects, it is the first thing a data scientist will do, to recognize data, to examine its statistics and to examine the relationships between variables.We generally call it exploratory data analysis. In this analysis, I focused on the question of what kind of paid application a developer should develop using App Store data from Kaggle.

Now it is not surprising that mobile applications are so common in our lives when we all have smartphones.Developing a mobile application is one of the most profitable and at the same time easy to make money. There are many Freelance IOS developers that contribute to this market. Let’s say you are a freelance software developer who wants to contribute to this market.So, in which category it may be more profitable to make an application, how can we determine the size and price in the category we choose so that users turn to this application? Let’s look for the answers to these questions together.

When we first look at the general distribution, the games take up a lot of space in the market.

When we look at the distribution of the category of paid application, leadership appears again in the games.Taking up a lot of space in the market can be misleading in terms of earnings, so our review on the basis of profit is more important.

Note:Apple API didn’t provide the number of downloads information for the public.Rating count total is a low leading estimator of downloading.Since I calculate the profit variable based on this variable, we can say that the real profit is above this data.

First graphic represents the distribution of the category of paid application

The leadership in the most profitable category also appears in games. So our category has been determined. Oscar goes to…GAMES!

Now let’s focus on its size and price. If we take a look at the total number of votes, we see a concentration on Small Size, which is normal because most users don’t have much space on their disks.If we examine it in terms of MB and keep the rating rate above 4.5, it seems more suitable than 140 MB. In this graph, I focused on 360,000 to 700,000, which is the upper limit, because when I looked at the top 3 applications that made the most profit, I thought this range would be more reasonable.

Top 3 App that made the most profit

Well, now it is time to decide the price. What price should we not go over, so that users should not be afraid.

When we examine the price of paid games from the first chart, we can actually see that the maximum price is 10 USD, and the prices above it are outlier.So in the second chart, I focused on the range of $ 1–10 and decided that the price of 1–2 USD, with the majority of the points and the high rating rate, was reasonable.

In a nutshell,

Thanks for reading! You can find the codes of this project here.



Aybüke Meydan
Aybüke Meydan

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